Radio Repeater


The Call Aid UK Radio Repeater extends the range of your call aid system by up to 80 meters indoors and outdoors, ensuring that alerts are always received. This plug and play repeater is compatible with all other Call Aid products on the website and provides a wired power source for reliable operation. Simply connect the repeater to your existing call aid system to expand its range and reach.

Key features of the CAUK Radio Repeater include:

  • Increases the range of your call aid system by up to 80 meters indoors and outdoors

  • Compatible with all other call aid products on the website

  • Provides a wired power source for reliable operation

With the Call Aid UK Radio Repeater, you can expand the coverage of your call aid system and improve its reliability. Whether you need to cover a larger area or ensure that alerts are received in hard-to-reach locations, this repeater is the perfect solution.

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